Central Neurocytoma
- Well-marginated, usually benign intraventricular neuroepithelial tumor
- WHO grade II
- Higher-grade atypical, anaplastic variant is rare
- Round cells with stippled nuclei are characteristic microscopic features
- Electron microscopy: synaptophysin positive
- Affects all ages (commonly third decade of life)
- No gender predilection
- Commonly presents with signs/symptoms of increased intracranial pressure secondary to obstructive hydrocephalus
- Headache, nausea, vomiting, and altered mental status
- Treatment: surgical resection; chemoradiation or radiosurgery for unresectable tumors
- Prognosis: recurrence uncommon after total resection; 5-year survival rate, 90%
- General
- Supratentorial intraventricular mass with cystic or bubbly appearance
- Often located with lateral ventral frontal horn or body near the foramen of Monro
- Attachment to the septum pellucidum or lateral ventricular wall
- ±Third ventricular extension
- Frequently shows calcification
- CT
- Heterogeneous density intraventricular mass due to solid and cystic components
- ±Calcification
- Heterogeneous enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT
- T1WI: heterogeneous but predominantly isointense
- T2WI: usually hyperintense with cystic or bubbly appearance; ±flow voids
- FLAIR: heterogeneously hyperintense
- T2*/GRE/SWI: black signal blooming in foci of calcification
- T1WI+C: heterogeneous enhancement
- MRS: increased Cho, decreased NAA; glycine peak at 3.55
- MRI with contrast, including coronal T2WI, to better detect tumor attachment site
For more information, please see the corresponding chapter in Radiopaedia.
Contributors: Rachel Seltman, MD, and Jacob A. Eitel, MD
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Osborn AG, Salzman KL, Jhaveri MD. Diagnostic Imaging (3rd ed). Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA; 2016.
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Tlili-Graiess K, Mama N, Arifa N, et al. Diffusion weighted MR imaging and proton MR spectroscopy findings of central neurocytoma with pathological correlation. J Neuroradiol 2014;41:243–250. doi.org/10.1016/j.neurad.2013.09.004.
Yeh IB, Xu M, Ng WH, et al. Central neurocytoma: typical magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings and atypical ventricular dissemination. Magn Reson Imaging 2008;26:59–64. doi.org/10.1016/j.mri.2007.04.005.
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