Fiber Dissection of the Medial Surface of the Hemisphere
Surgical Correlation
G, The posterior segment of the uncus has been removed while preserving the anterior segment. The thalamostriate, anterior and posterior caudate, lateral atrial, and inferior ventricular veins cross the wall of the ventricle. The thalamostriate vein courses in the sulcus between the caudate nucleus and thalamus on the outer surface of the stria terminalis. The caudate tail extends around the pulvinar and into the roof of the temporal horn. H, The ependymal wall of the ventricle has been removed to expose the fibers in a subependymal area. The caudate tail is exposed below the pulvinar. The stria terminalis courses between the caudate and thalamus. The tapetum of the corpus callosum forms the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. The amygdala is located in the anterior segment of the uncus and forms the anterior wall of the temporal horn. The anterior choroidal artery courses around the anterior and posterior segments of the uncus to reach the choroid plexus in the temporal horn. I, The caudate nucleus has been removed to expose the fibers constituting the internal capsule. The anterior thalamic peduncle and anterior limb of the internal capsule courses lateral to the caudate head. The anterior limb is crossed by bridges of transcapsular bridges gray matter interconnecting the caudate and lentiform nuclei that gives it a prominent striate appearance and a deeper color than the posterior part of the internal capsule. The superior thalamic peduncle and genu of the internal capsule are exposed above the thalamus. The posterior thalamic peduncle and posterior limb of the internal capsule are exposed behind the genu. The upper part of the optic radiations course behind the pulvinar in the retrolenticular part of the internal capsule. The tapetum sweeps downward to form the roof and lateral wall of the atrium and temporal horn. J, Enlarged view. The stria terminalis wraps around the posterior margin of the thalamus and blends into the amygdala. The fibers forming the anterior and posterior limbs and the retro- and sublenticular parts of the internal capsule have been exposed. K, Enlarged view. The sublenticular part of the optic and auditory radiations pass laterally and are separated from the temporal horn by only the tapetum. The retrolenticular part of the internal capsule contains some of the optic radiations. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)