View of isolated middle ear Ossicles
Surgical Correlation
View of isolated middle ear ossicles. Each middle ear or tympanic cavity contains three ossicles, malleus, incus, and stapes, that articulate as an ossicular chain from the tympanic membrane laterally to the oval window medially. The malleus consists of a head that articulates with the body and head of the incus, and a manubrium that attaches to the tympanic membrane. The junction between these two parts is the neck, across which courses the chorda tympani nerve. The incus consists of a body and two processes or crura of unequal lengths. The body contains the head, which articulates with the head of the malleus, to form the incudomalleolar joint. The short process or crus is connected to the posterior wall of the tympanic cavity by the posterior incudal ligament. This process and the head of the malleus and incus are located in the epitympanic recess. The long process or crus of the incus ends at a hook-like part, the lenticular process. This articulates with the head of the stapes to form the incudostapedial joint. The stapes consists of a short head and two crura that fuse with its footplate or base. The footplate covers the oval window of the inner ear. (Image courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)