Veins of the Medial Surface
Surgical Correlation
A, The upper part of the left cerebral hemisphere has been removed to expose the medial surface of the right hemisphere. An anterior pericallosal vein empties into the inferior sagittal sinus. The medial frontal veins draining the area above the cingulate sulcus empty into the superior sagittal sinus. The veins from the medial surface often join the veins from the lateral surface to form a common stem before emptying into the superior sagittal sinus. The veins from the part of the cingulate sulcus bordering the corpus callosum commonly empty into the paraterminal veins or the pericallosal veins. The anterior and posterior septal and medial atrial veins cross the medial wall of the frontal horn, body, and atrium. The anterior pericallosal vein empties into the anterior end of the inferior sagittal sinus. B, The remainder of the left hemisphere has been removed. The medial frontal and parietal veins draining the outer strip of the medial surface empty into the superior sagittal sinus. The veins draining the part of the cingulate sulcus facing the corpus callosum empty into the anterior and posterior pericallosal, paraterminal, and great veins. The posterior calcarine vein drains the posterior part of the calcarine sulcus and commonly empties into the veins on the lateral surface. C, Enlarged view. The anterior and posterior caudate and thalamostriate veins in the lateral wall of the frontal horn and body pass through the choroidal fissure between the fornix and thalamus to empty into the internal cerebral veins. The paraterminal vein courses downward in front of the lamina terminalis to empty into the anterior cerebral vein. A posterior pericallosal (splenial) vein passes around the splenium of the corpus callosum and empties into the vein of Galen. D, Enlarged view of the inferior sagittal sinus coursing in the lower edge of the falx. An anterior pericallosal vein empties into the anterior end of the inferior sagittal sinus. A small posterior pericallosal vein empties into the vein of Galen. (Images courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)