Suboccipital Deep Muscle Dissection
Surgical Correlation
Posterior view of a superficial dissection of the upper neck. In this view, the trapezius muscles can be seen attaching to the inion, medial portion of superior nuchal line, and ligamentum nuchae (the white band separating the right and left trapezius muscles in the midline). The sternocleidomastoid muscles appear superficially laterally and on a slightly deeper plane is the splenius capitis muscle located on the floor of the posterior cervical triangle. In the superolateral portion of this triangle the occipital artery is shown before it enters the scalp. Medial to this artery is the greater occipital nerve, the dorsal ramus of C2, that has pierced the semispinalis capitis muscle in its ascent to supply sensory innervation to the posterior scalp region. (Image courtesy of AL Rhoton, Jr.)