Left Cerebral Hemisphere With Dural and Arachnoidal Layers Removed
Surgical Correlation
Left Cerebral Hemisphere With Dural and Arachnoidal Layers Removed. E, Right hemisphere after resection of the frontoparietal and temporal operculum and the planum temporale. 1, central sulcus of Rolando; 2, central sulcus of the insula; 3, superior limiting sulcus of the insula; 4, inferior limiting sulcus of the insula; 5, anterior limiting sulcus of the insula; 6, apex of the insula; 7, posterior insular point. F, The right insula amplified. 1, Anterior short insular gyrus; 2, middle short insular gyrus; 3, posterior short insular gyrus; 4, anterior long insular gyrus; 5, posterior long insular gyrus; *,central sulcus of the insula; 6, apex of the insula; 7, limen insulae; 8, superior limiting sulcus of the insula; 9, inferior limiting sulcus of the insula; 10, anterior limiting sulcus of the insula. G, Right cerebral insula with the transition at the limen insulae from the M1 to the M2 segment of the MCA. 1, In depth; M1 rami of the MCA postbifurcation in the M1 frontal and temporal rami; 2e6, insular rami of the M2 segment of the MCA, also known as the insular segment; *, central sulcus of the insula. The first rami of the M2 segments are shorter, have a more tortuous and vertical direction, and can be recognized in arteriography, on which the posterior rami of the insular segment are longer and have a more horizontal direction. The last ramus of the M2 segment ends at the sylvian point, at the most medial aspect of the Heschl gyrus, near the posterior insular point. H, Right cerebral insula with the transition at the limen insulae from the M1 to the M2 segment of the MCA. 1, Anterior short insular gyrus; 2, middle short insular gyrus; 3, posterior short insular gyrus; 4, anterior long insular gyrus; 5, posterior long insular gyrus; *central sulcus of the insula; 6, gyrus transversus of Eberstaller; 7, M1 segment of MCA; 8, M2 segment of MCA; 9, superior limiting sulcus of the insula; 10, inferior limiting sulcus of the insula; 11, medial orbitary gyrus; 12, collateral sulcus; 13, parahippocampal gyri. (Images courtesy of E de Oliveira)