Left Cerebral Hemisphere After Removing the Cortical Gray Matter and the Adjacent Short U Fibers
Surgical Correlation
Left Cerebral Hemisphere After Removing the Cortical Gray Matter and the Adjacent Short U Fibers. E, Next step after removing the U fibers, and part of the extreme capsule. 1, Extreme capsule; 2, corona radiata; 3, ventral claustrum; 4, dorsal claustrum; 5, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; 6, stratum sagittale; 7, limen insulae; arrows, the direction of the fibers of the corona radiata; dotted line, the limit after removing the extreme capsule. F, Next step after removing part of the extreme capsule and dorsal claustrum. 1, Extreme capsule; 2, corona radiata; 3, ventral claustrum; 4, dorsal claustrum; 5, putamen nucleus; 6, external capsule; 7, stratum sagittale; 8, inferior longitudinal fasciculus; 9, uncinate fasciculus; 10, occipital segment of the IFOF; dotted line, the limit after removing the extreme capsule and dorsal claustrum. G, Next step after removing the extreme capsule and claustrum. 1, Putamen nucleus; 2, corona radiata; 3, external capsule; 4, uncinate fasciculus; 5, IFOF frontal segment; IFOF occipital segment; *, IFOF adjacent to the uncinate fasciculus. H, Next step after removing the putamen nucleus. 1, Globus pallidus; 2, corona radiata; 3, IFOF frontal segment; 4, IFOF occipital segment; 5, optic radiations; 6, uncinate fasciculus; *, IFOF adjacent to the uncinate fasciculus; arrows, the transition of corona radiata. (Images courtesy of E de Oliveira)