Left Cerebral Hemisphere After Removing the Cortical Gray Matter and the Adjacent Short U Fibers
Surgical Correlation
Left Cerebral Hemisphere After Removing the Cortical Gray Matter and the Adjacent Short U Fibers. I, Next step after removing the globus pallidus. 1, IFOF frontal segment; 2, IFOF occipital segment; 3, uncinate fasciculus; 4, optic radiations; 5, anterior limb of the internal capsule; 6, genu of the internal capsule; 7, posterior limb the internal capsule; 8, retrolenticular portion of anterior commissure; arrows, the direction of the internal capsule fibers. J, Enlarged view of I. 1, IFOF occipital segment; 2, uncinate fasciculus; 3, tapetum fibers; 4, anterior commissure; 5, anterior limb of the internal capsule; 6, genu of the internal capsule; 7, posterior limb of the internal capsule; 8, stratum sagittale; arrows, the direction of the internal capsule fibers; red, the middle and deeper optic radiation fibers. K, Next step after removing the anterior commissure. 1, Lateral geniculated body; 2, Meyer loop; 3, optic radiations; 4, substantia innominata; 5, amygdala; 6, internal capsule; yellow, optic radiations from lateral geniculated body to the occipital lobe. (Images courtesy of E de Oliveira)